Sunday, June 14, 2009

sports day.

My school had its “Sports Festival” on Friday, May 22nd. It was a great day because I didn’t have to teach any classes and I was provided with entertainment which made the hours pass by quickly! Almost all schools in Korea have a sports festival day which is equivalent to a “field day” in the U.S. All of the students participate in various relays. Each class of about 35-45 students is grouped together as a team. The students take these teams very seriously and spend days coming up with elaborate costumes, accessories, cheers, and dances. It was amazing to see all the effort the students put forth to make this one day a success. Fortunately, the weather was gorgeous: warm and sunny, not too hot. My favorite part of the day would have to be the class performances. Only the second-grade students (juniors) performed, but each class had their own time (12 classes each performing about 5 minutes).

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