Wednesday, May 13, 2009

happy birthday dear buddha.

Buddha’s birthday was on Saturday, May 2nd this year. To celebrate, there was a Lotus Lantern Parade in Seoul in Jongno area. We missed the very beginning of the parade, but were not disappointed. Various groups of old men, children, middle-aged woman, foreigners, and others marched in the parade with elaborate costumes and colorful paper lanterns. Some lanterns resembled the traditional lotus flower (I made one of these when I did the temple stay). Other lanterns were more modern with contemporary designs. In addition to the lanterns, there were floats: huge elephants, Buddha replicas, lotus flowers, and even a fire-breathing dragon. The whole spectacle was quite impressive. Although my view was constantly obstructed by an old man waving an orange traffic-directing light in my face, I had a great time. Enjoy the photos, compliments of Emily Neilson :)

1 comment:

Sushi said...

Interesting. I have never had the chance to see one of these parades.

The dragons look so well done.